Articles Written By: Rick Vecchio

This author has written 203 articles


Ceviche is the pride of Peru and the national dish. Fresh fish “cooked” in lime juice, onion and chilies and served with sweet potato, toasted corn “cancha” and salsa criolla (see below), the dish can feature a range of white saltwater fish, or a mixture of mollusks, scallops, octopus or squid, and there are even delicious vegetarian versions, using mushrooms and soy.

Peruvian Dances
Tijeras – The Scissors Dance

Tijeras – The Scissors Dance

This acrobatic dance is performed in the southern and central highlands of Peru in Ayacucho, Apurimac and especially in Huancavelica. It’s also performed at peñas, or dance halls like Las Brisas de Titicaca in Lima.

Two male dancers face off to outdo each other in performing a series of leaps, flips, flops and spins, all while ignoring your grandma’s rule about never running with scissors. Musicians accompany the combatants with driving melodies on the violin and harp.
