Want to be part in the largest Afro-Peruano Cajón jam session ever?

Afro-Peruano drum fest 2012 in Lima’s historic Plaza de Armas
Saturday, April 14, from 10 a.m.

Wanted: Cajón players to help the festival best its own Guinness World Record, set in 2009, by convening the largest-ever Cajón Afro-peruano jam session.


Registration: send an email to:


, including your full name, age, a contact email and, if you have one, your DNI or CE number… With that, you’re subscribed!!!

If you are part of a school band, club, parish, etc., send only one email with the name of your group, with the list of participants who will be coming on Saturday. The inscription is automatic. No reconfirmation is necessary.


See you Saturday, April 14, starting at 10 a.m. in the Historic Plaza de Armas de Lima.

Don’t forget to bring your Cajón!!!


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Authored by: Siduith Ferrer

Founder of Fertur Peru Travel: Since 1994 creating wonderful vacation experiences for adventure travelers and holidaymakers in Cusco, Lima, Arequipa, Lake Titicaca, and all around the Andean region.

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