The oldest buildings at Uchkus Icañam date from the arrival of the first shepherds and farmers (1200 BC to 100 AD), and the complex appears to have been used as an administrative center for the Chavin people of Atalla. During the reign of the Anccaras culture (1200 to 1440 AD) this place rose to great importance due to its control over the population movements in the river basin from Acoria to Lachocc. In the 15th century, it was occupied by the Inca and used as a religious complex.

Location Access
Province: Huancavelica
25 kilometers from the city of Huancavelica 5 hours on foot, 3 and a half hours by bus, 3 hours by car
District: Yauli
Locality Reference: Ichu River basin, the peak of Uchkus Alto
Site Details
Entrance Fee:
Opening Hours:
Museum & Other Services:
Adults S/2.00 Students S/1.00 Children S/.0.50 Open from May to October Camping facilities and horse riding available