A family strolls along an ancient section of the Qhapaq Ñan road system, heading into Cusco

The Antisuyu main road, part of the Qhapaq Nan Andean Roads System, once connected the Inca capital of Cusco to the Antisuyu territory, now comprising the provinces of Cusco, Pisaq, Colquepata, and Kosñipata. This photo shows the prehispanic trail Paqlachapata – Abra Qorao, which begins in the Hawkaypata Inca Plaza and proceeds through the San Blas neighborhood, the Suyt’u Qhato district, and the Paqlachapata archaeological site. The trail then divides into two branches, one leading to the Yuncay campesino village and the other to the Abra de Qorao pass. From this point, other important sites such as Inkilltambo and Manthoqalla are accessible.