Peru’s last Inca Rope Bridge Gets CNN’s Attention

Peru’s last Inca Rope Bridge Gets CNN’s Attention

Q’eswachaka, Peru’s last handwoven rope bridge from Inca times, is getting a lot of well-deserved attention.

Following a big write-up in the Wall Street Journal, the bridge and the Andean communities that rebuild it each June as part of a traditional multi-day festival are now the subject of a documentary produced by CNN’s Great Big Story.

The documentary was produced in conjunction with Peru’s culture and tourism board, PromPerú.

“This co-production will let us show what makes Peru unique, by tapping into large audiences connected to Peruvian-like experiences and products,” said Isabella Falco, PromPerú’s director of communications.

Would you like to witness the annual reconstruction of the Q'eswachaka in 2018 and be among the first to cross it?

In 2013, UNESCO added the Q’eswachaka bridge to its list of intangible cultural heritage sites. A replica was exhibited in 2015 on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

Despite that recognition, very few travelers make the four-hour journey from Cusco to attend the Q’eswachaka festival, which is held the second week of June every year.

Fertur Perú Travel is organizing a luxury camping trip for the Q’eswachaka bridge festival in June 2018, including a private chef and expert guide. If you are interested in joining this small group, let us know by writing to receptivoperu @

“The bridge, called Q’eswachaka, is the last of its kind, a throwback to a pre-colonial period when spans like this made transportation and trade possible in one of the world’s most rugged terrains. The bridges furthered the expansion of the Inca Empire by allowing armies to cross canyons and fast-moving rivers. Early Spanish conquistadors were so spooked by the structures that they crawled over them on their hands and knees. The Incas, at their peak, are believed to have built about 200 overpasses, connecting a 20,000-mile-long road network.” Wall Street Journal, June 20, 2017

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Authored by: Rick Vecchio

Rick Vecchio, Fertur’s director of development and marketing, was educated at the New School for Social Research and Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. He worked for Pacifica Radio WBAI and as a daily reporter for newspapers in New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts. Then in 1996, he decided it was time to realize a life-long dream of traveling to Peru. He never went back. While serving as Peru country manager for the South American Explorers from 1997-1999, he fell in love with Fertur's founder, Siduith Ferrer, and they married. Over the next six years, he worked as a correspondent for The Associated Press. Meanwhile, Siduith built the business, which he joined in January 2007. Now he designs custom educational and adventure tour packages for corporate and institutional clients, oversees Fertur’s Internet platform and occasionally leads special trips, always with an eye open for a good story to write about.

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